カンターは2024年5月に「ビジネスを成功に導く「ブランド成長のためのブループリント(英文正式名称:Blueprint for Brand Growth)」」を発表しました。意義ある差別性を備えたブランドはより多くの人々に使ってもらうようになり、市場シェアを高め成長するという前提に基づき、カンターはブランドを拡大成長させる3つのフレームワークを膨大な自社データと共にご提供します。
合同会社 カンター・ジャパン
佐々木 亨
We are truly grateful for your continued support.
The year 2024 was a year of upheaval, with the world becoming increasingly unstable both politically and economically. In Japan, on the other hand, prices and wages rose, corporate performance was generally strong, and inbound demand picked up significantly on the back of a weakening yen. The year also saw an unprecedented number of foreign tourists visit Japan, and the Japanese brand became more familiar to foreign consumers through exposure to Japanese culture, food and products.
In May 2024, Kantar launched the Blueprint for Brand Growth, which provides guidance on how marketers can influence sales and profits to grow their businesses. The Blueprint for Brand Growth is a breakthrough in understanding how businesses build profitable, strong and sustainable brands. Since May this year, we have made a series of announcements at our UK headquarters and around the world and have received a lot of feedback from CMOs of global companies and many others around the world.
Kantar believes there is scope for Japanese companies to grow their business significantly in the future, with their brands at the heart of it. Japanese companies provide excellent products and technologies around the world, but only two Japanese companies (Toyota and NTT) are ranked in our BrandZ (a brand equity report for 54 countries around the world).
In Japan, the rise in inbound tourism is boosting overall domestic consumption. According to the Japan Tourism Agency, consumption by foreign visitors to Japan totalled ¥1.948 trillion, an increase of 41.1% compared to the same period in 2023 and 64.8% compared to the same period in 2019. Looking at the breakdown, the number of tourists visiting Japan has increased not only from neighbouring Asian countries, but also from the US (up 28%), Canada, Australia, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and other European countries.
As an indispensable brand partner, Kantar is committed to helping Japanese companies and brands operating in Japan continue to shape your brand future and be chosen by consumers around the world.
We wish you continued success in 2025 and look forward to your continued support of Kantar.
Toru Sasaki
Managing Director
Kantar Japan Inc.