:Season’s Greetings from Kantar Japan



カンターは2023年に「Shape your brand future」をパーパスと定め、ブランドを基軸に様々な製品やサービスを提供しております。


その代表的なサービスであるカンターマーケットプレイス(Kantar Market Place)はカンターが長年培ったブランド関連のノウハウを投入したセルフサーブ型のサービスで、言わば、お客様の社内でカンターのリサーチシステムを自社運用いただける仕組みです。


レポートの詳細は弊社HPのプレスリリースを及びレポートのダウンロードサイトよりBrandZ Top 50 Most Valuable Japanese Brands 2024をご確認ください。また、本レポートは無料閲覧ができます。ご興味のある方はこちら からご登録ください。




合同会社 カンター・ジャパン
マネージングダイレクター 佐々木 亨

Dear Customer

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Kantar set “Shape your brand future” as its Purpose for 2023 and offers a variety of products and services focused on brands.

Brands work as sustainable growth drivers for companies by strengthening their connection with consumers. Based on the premise that brands need to understand what shapes consumer behavior, attitudes and aspirations in order to grow, we have developed research methods and products to support your business at every stage of brand growth.

Our flagship service, Kantar Marketplace, is a self-serve service that draws on Kantar’s long-standing brand-related know-how and allows customers to operate Kantar’s research systems in-house.

Another of our flagship services is BrandZ. BrandZ is a ranking and analysis report on the brand equity of listed companies in 54 countries around the world, which we have independently conducted since 1998. The report contains a wide range of information and insights on top brands in each of the world’s markets including Japan. For more information on the report, see the press release on our website and download BrandZ Top 50 Most Valuable Japanese Brands 2024 from the download page. The report is also available free of charge. If you are interested, please register your details here.

As a team of brand professionals, Kantar is committed to supporting you to ensure that your brand is chosen by consumers and continues to grow. We wish you all the best in 2024 and look forward to your continued support.

Kantar Japan Inc.


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