
English follows Japanese.

グローバルデータ、インサイト、及びコンサルティングのリーディングカンパニーであるカンター (本社:イギリス・ロンドン、日本法人:東京都渋谷区)は、2023年6月1日付で、佐々木亨が新たに合同会社カンター・ジャパンのマネージングディレクター(MD)の役職に就任し、ヴァルマ・シシールの職務を引き継ぎましたことをお知らせいたします。

【佐々木 亨(ささき とおる)略歴】




Jellyfish Japanのマネージングディレクターとして、チームと共に国内外の有力クライアントのデジタルマーケティング戦略やデータ基盤の構築、マーケティングテクノロジーの導入、メディア運用などを支援しました。

【佐々木 亨のコメント】



  • 社名:合同会社カンター・ジャパン
  • 本社:東京都渋谷区代々木2-1-1 新宿マインズタワー6F
  • 事業内容:市場調査・コンサルティング/ウェブサイト:http://kantar.jp


Toru Sasaki joins Kantar as Managing Director of Kantar Japan

Kantar (Global Headquarters: London, UK; Japan: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo), the world’s leading data, insights and consulting company, announces the appointment of Toru Sasaki as the new Managing Director (MD) of Kantar Japan Inc. as of June 1st, 2023. Mr Sasaki takes over the leadership role from Shishir Varma, who stepped down from his position at the end of May.

【Toru Sasaki Biography】

Before joining Kantar Japan, Mr Sasaki worked in management, business development, and operations across global IT and local Media companies.

He started his career at NIKKEI Inc., where he led digital business development for Nikkei.com, contributed for branding and communication for major brand clients in multiple industries by utilizing IT, Data, and AdTech.

During his career with Google, he led the partnership business for major telecommunication carriers, TV and News publishing companies, and other online players to help drive monetisation opportunities, utilising his expertise in the media and AdTech industry.

Most recently, he was the Managing Director of Jellyfish Japan, a UK headquartered digital marketing partner company for global brands, where he worked together with his team to help global and local major brands build their digital marketing strategies, data foundations, technology implementation, and media operations.

【Toru Sasaki Comments】

I’m thrilled and excited to lead Kantar Japan’s business growth, which is uniquely placed to flourish by bridging the benefits of global investment and technology with our deep knowledge of Japanese brands and businesses and way of working.

Kantar Japan Inc. Company Profile

  • Company name: Kantar Japan Inc.
  • Head office: Shinjuku Maynds Tower 6F, 2-1-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
  •  Business: Market research and consulting / Website: http://kantar.jp
  • Contact : Kantar Japan Inc. E-mail: marketingjapan@kantar.com
